Islam And Christianinty


Junior Member
Islam And Christianinty

Jesus: One of the greatest prophets and messengers of Islam. He is also known as Isa ibn Mariam (Jesus, Son of Mary) and Isa al-Maseeh (Jesus the Messiah, Jesus Christ). The Jews and the Christian have both blasphemed against the Prophet Jesus. The Jews reject him completely, while the Christians have elevated him to the level of God and/or Son of God. The concept of such divinity is rejected in the Bible by the Prophet Jesus himself (in parts of the Bible which have not yet been altered):

1.) According to 1 Timothy 2:5, There is One God, and one mediator between God and men, the ‘MAN’ Christ Jesus." Notice the words "man" and "mediator". Are the Christians trying to say that God is the mediator and that the Bible is wrong? Do they not realize that God is so supreme in glory that He does not mediate? Ask the Christians how else they can explain this verse. Warn them that God’s wrath will be on those who knowingly hide or void the Divine Truth. 2.) According to Matthew 24:36, Jesus has no knowledge of the time of the Hour. Are the Christians trying to say that God lacks knowledge? 3.) According to Matthew 14:23, Jesus went into the hills to pray. Are the Christians trying to say that God needs to pray, and if so, then to whom? 4.) "But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matthew 15:9. Jesus himself confirmed the prophecy of Isaiah that the people would worship him in vain and believe in doctrines made by men. The truth is that Jesus spoke the truth, but it is the Christians who, in his name, have invented lies against him. God is one. He did not beget nor was He begotten.

...""Lord" becomes the more usual name by which to indicate the divinity of Israel's God. the New Testament uses this full sense of the title "Lord" both for the Father and - what is new - for Jesus, who is thereby recognized as God Himself.".. (from the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" - Catholic people officially do believe that Jesus is God and even pray to Jesus. But to be born a Catholic does not mean that you have to accept all the package you are given by your church. You must think about it and question that which doesnt make sense. If you follow a religion just because your parents follow it, then you are actually following a culture, a tradition. Faith is something more than this, it is personal belief. You can and must find out for yourself what the truth is. Islam and Christianity has so much in common but there are some obvious and major contradictions. Both cannot be true in full. So whoever was born into the wrong religion is destined to die in it without having any chance to become good servant of God??? Just because of his origin? No, its not like that because God is perfectly wise and perfectly just, so he has given man the ability of free thinking and free will so whosoever finds himself in the wrong religion can and must change it.

"Then the scribe gave thanks to Jesus, and said to him, 'Lord, let us go to the house of your servant, for your servant will give meat to you and to your disciples.' Jesus answered: 'I will come thither when you will promise to call me "Brother" and not "Lord,"; and shall say you are my brother, and not my servant.' The man promised, and Jesus went to his house." (Gospel of Barnabas)

Jesus said in the Bible: (John 16:12.) "I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come." Jesus was not able to pass on all the message he was sent with, the message remained incomplete; therefore another Prophet was needed to guide mankind into all truth.

Barnabas was one of the disciples of Jesus, a prominent member of this small group, and very close to Jesus. The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 C.E. In 325 C.E., the Nicene Council was held, where it was ordered that all original Gospels in Hebrew script should be destroyed. An Edict was issued that any one in possession of these Gospels will be put to death. Even though this Gospel survived, it did not get a place in the Bible now. Guess why. Chapters 96 and 97 of his gospel read:

96. "When the prayer was ended, the priest said with a loud voice: `Stay, Jesus, for we need to know who thou art, for the quieting of our nation.'
Jesus answered: `I am Jesus, son of Mary, of the seed of David, a man that is mortal and feareth God, and I seek that to God be given honour and glory.'
The priest answered: `In the book of Moses it is written that our God must send us the Messiah, who shall come to announce to us that which God willeth, and shall bring to the world the mercy of God. Therefore I pray thee tell us the truth, art thou the Messiah of God whom we expect?'
Jesus answered: `It is true that God hath so promised, but indeed I am not he, for he is made before me, and shall come after me.'
The priest answered `By thy words and signs at any rate we believe thee to be a prophet and an holy one of God, wherefore I pray thee in the name of all Judaea and Israel that thou for love of God shouldst tell us in what wise the Messiah will come.'
Jesus answered: `As God liveth, in whose presence my soul standeth, I am not the Messiah whom all the tribes of the earth expect, even as God promised to our father Abraham, saying: "In thy seed will I bless all the tribes of the earth." But when God shall take me away from the world, Satan will raise again this accursed sedition, by making the impious believe that I am God and son of God, whence my words and my doctrine shall be contaminated, insomuch that scarcely shall there remain thirty faithful ones: whereupon God will have mercy upon the world, and will send his messenger for whom he hath made all things; who shall come from the south with power, and shall destroy the idols with the idolaters; who shall take away the dominion from Satan which he hath over men. He shall bring with him the mercy of God for salvation of them that shall believe in him, and blessed is he who shall believe his words."

Prophet Muhammad broke the idols throughout Arabia and restablished a clear way of life based on the belief in One God. Do you have any statues of Jesus in your church? Do you see people to kneel down in front of it and praying to Jesus? To worship a statue or a human being is idolatry which is the biggest sin man can commit. As Jesus replyed when he was asked what the gravest sin is: "then say I to you, that idolatry is the greatest sin, because it depriveth a man entirely of faith, and consequently of God; so that he can have no spiritual affection. But every other sin leaveth to man the hope of obtaining mercy: and therefore I say that idolatry is the greatest sin.' God forgives every other sin but not idolatry. In the above verses Jesus warned that his words would be contaminated and people would believe that he ia God or son of God. God will send his messenger to guide them back to the right path and to guide all mankind to truth.

Chapter 97. Then said the priest: `How shall the Messiah be called, and what sign shall reveal his coming?'
Jesus answered: `The name of the Messiah is admirable, for God himself gave him the name when he had created his soul, and placed it in a celestial splendour. God said: "Wait Mohammed; for thy sake I will to create paradise, the world, and a great multitude of creatures, whereof I make thee a present, insomuch that whoso bless thee shall be blessed, and whoso shall curse thee shall be accursed. When I shall send thee into the world I shall send thee as my messenger of salvation, and thy word shall be true, insomuch that heaven and earth shall fail, but thy faith shall never fail." Mohammed is his blessed name.'
Then the crowd lifted up their voices, saying: `O God, send us thy messenger: O Mohammed, come quickly for the salvation of the world!'"
Little bit after the time of Jesus, this gospel was accepted as authentic, but not today. Okay suppose Barnabas was lying. Even then, how on earth did he invented that a Prophet called Mohammed will come, hundreds of years before the birth of the Prophet. In fact, the name Mohammed is even found in the Bible, in Solomon 5:16., in the original Greek text: "Cheeko mame tah kim vechulo Mohammadim" In the English translation: His speech is most sweet, and he is altogether desirable." 'Mohammad' means 'desirable', but no one has the right to translate names!!

Muslims believe that the Koran is the exact word of God in the Arabic language. It was revealed to the Prphet Mohammed and was memorised by heart by thousands of his followers in his life. Today there are millions of muslims on the Earth knowing the Koran word by word. Today's Holy Koran is exactly what was given to Prophet Mohammed and is accessible to any one in the world seeking salvation.

In fact Islam is the fastest growing religion on Earth. Thousands of Americans embrace Islam day by day, but there are vast masses of converts in every part of the planet. God says in the Koran: When God's help and victory come, and you see men embrace God's faith in multitudes, give glory to your Lord and seek his pardon. He is ever disposed to mercy." People want to know the truth and no wonder so many became muslim just after 9/11, when media couldnt but tell bad and untrue things about Islam, which is difficult to believe, and many wanted to know the reality. To know about Islam not from the media, not from Christians and atheists, but from Muslims. Cos Islam means peace and terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. You find in the Koran that if someone kills another person, it is as if he had murdered all mankind. But what is Islam? It is submission to the one God. And who is a muslim? He that submits to the will of God. Submitting myself unconditionally to God, in Arabic, this means: I am a muslim. Whoever submits to God, is a Muslim. I believe that Jesus was a muslim as well. Because if you had asked him, what his religion was, what would have he replyed? Certainly he would not have said, I am a Christian, as this name was invented later. Probably He would have said, my religion is the obeying the one God, worshipping Him and only Him, and submitting my will to His, or something like that. This is Islam. He would say I am a muslim, if he spoke Arabic.

"They say: "Accept the Jewish or the Christian faith and you shall be rightly guided." Say: "By no means. We believe in the faith of Abraham, the upright one. He was no idolater."" (Koran)
The message of Islam is simple and clear. There is One God, a Creator and Sustainer, and no one has the right to be worshipped besides Him. Our task on this world is to obey Him, to submit to Him, to fulfil all His commandments that we know from the Scriptures and from the teachings of the Prophets. This message was carried by all the messangers of God, from Adam to Mohammed, through Moses, Noah, Abraham, David, Jonah, Salamon and many others. All of them called for the worship of the one God. None of them talked about three, Trinity is an invention of some misguided people, who made it as a doctrine of Christianity, corrupting the Holy Scripture and causing confusion in people's mind. They will be severely punished by God. "So woe to those who write scripture with their own hands then say: “This is from God” (Koran, 2:79)
Jesus was sent to the 11 tribes of Israel, while Mohammad was sent to the whole mankind. The Christians' denying Mohammad is pretty much the same as Jews deny Jesus.
God says in the Koran: "People of the Book, do not transgress the bounds of your religion. Speak nothing but the truth about God. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was no more than God's apostle and His Word which He cast to Mary: a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His apostles and do not say: " Three." Forbear, and it shall be better for you. God id but one God. God forbid that he should have a son! His is all that the heavens and the earth contain. God is the all-sufficient protector. The Messiah does not disdain to be a servant of God, nor do the angels, who are nearest to Him. Those who through arrogance disdain His service shall all be brought before Him." (4:171)
"This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed My favour to you. I have chosen Islam to be your faith." (5:3)

Development of the Trinity in Light of History
Deuteronomy 6:4.: "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD." (Jesus says so in the Bible when he is asked which is the most important commandment)

AD 32 - About this time the Gospels recorded, "I ascend unto my Father and your Father and to my God and to your God."

AD 120 - The Apostle's creed begins to be known to the Church. It says, "I believe in God, the Father Almighty."

AD 150 - Justin Martyr about this time began with platonic philosophy to corrupt Christian simplicity.

AD 170 - The word "Trias" first occurs in Christian literature.

AD 200 - The word "Trinitas" is first used by Tertullian.

AD 230 - Origen writes against prayers being offered to Christ.

AD 260 - Sabellius taught that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three names for the same God.

AD 300 - No Trinitarian form of prayer is yet known to the Church.

AD 310 - Lactanius write that "Christ never called himself God!"

AD 320 - Eusebius writes: "Christ teaches us to call his Father, the True God, and to worship Him."

AD 325 - The Council of Nicea agrees to call Christ God of God, very God of very God. However two opposing groups, the Trinitarians and the Unitarians, came into existence.

AD 350 - Great conflicts in the Church about the doctrine of Trinity.

AD 370 - The doxology, "Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost" composed and objected to as a novelty.

AD 381 - The Council of Constantinople gives the finishing touch to the doctrine of "three Persons in One God".

AD 383 - The Emperor Theodosius threatened to punish all who would not believe in and worship the Trinity.

Therefore, the doctrine of the Trinity, imposed by imperial decree, did not become Christian dogma until nearly four centuries after the birth of Jesus (peace be upon him). Orthodoxy was then established by force. This leads us to the conclusion that the concept of the Trinity was created basically to confuse a common person to the extent that he or she ends up in blind faith and gives up rational thinking. It blocks the thinking power of the human brain.


New Member
A few thoughts:

1) "son of God" is a Hebrew title that does not automatically mean Divinity. I have written about this in the thread about Christians calling Jesus the Son of God here:

2) The Epistle of Barnabas was only accepted at Alexandria by Clement - where a host of other sketchy texts were accepted by him because of Alexandria's connection to gnosticism. They were accepted nowhere else. If you look at the table at you can see that the texts that did end up in the canon were already accepted by the majority well before 397. Those that were not accepted in the canon were only accepted by fringe groups. The Epistle of Barnabas is in no way authoritative or even for a moment reflective of early Christian belief.

3) Nicea had nothing to do with Hebrew texts because Christian documents were written in Greek, with the only possible exception being the Gospel of Matthew because there are many transliterated semitic idioms.

4) Song of Solomon is written in Hebrew in the Jewish Canon, not Greek.


New Member
Hi, the idea there is that Jesus IS God. As in, the trinity, which is the power of God, the Holy Spirit and the Son.
Im not entirely sure the facts, but its the idea that he is both God and God's representative (from R.S lessons anyhow.)