Brother Jeffery embraces Islam


Slave of Allah (swt)
aslam o aliakum wa rahamatuAllahi wa barakatuhu,

InshAllah, im not sure how many people remember, but sometime ago i mentioned about an Island in the carribean with a small masjid, that thread was removed but i remember some brother and sister were very generous and i was able to collect money, which Alhumdulilah were used to buy dawah material. and very important there were alot of duas and Allah (swt) blessed us, Alhumdulilah All praises due to Allah (swt), we had a local from the island who had gone to Netherland and had embrace islam, very sweet gentleman, very kind man someone very close to my heart, he left everything and made the hijrah to this island to do dawah and support the community.Alhumdulilah, with the mercy of Allah (swt) who gave him the courage, power to do tv shows, radio, newspaper section, there was huge progress.
Well i am not on the island anymore but Alhumdulilah i just found out this brother recently embraced islam and the community has really grown (compare that to 2-6 people)


JazakAllah khair, May Allah (swt) reward all the brother and sister on this forum, continue to make dua for everyone


PS: the masjid website incase someone likes to know more


Islam is a way of life
Subhanallah, this is new to me (speaking of this Masjid) but masha allah this is amazing! I hope this community will continue to grow insha allah!




Slave of Allah (swt)

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He is surrounded by beautiful and caring people~Alhamdulillah!

~May Allah swt help,protect and guide all muslims~Amin!

Thank you for sharing this video,brother.

Take care,


ameen to ur dua and wa iyak
