

Junior Member

إستدعى الشاه علماء من السنه وعلماء من الشيعة

حتى يقرب بينهم وينظر إلى وجه الإختلاف بينهم

علماء الشيعة جاؤوا كلهم

أما علماء السنة لم يأت منهم إلا واحد بعد تأخره عليهم!!

فلما دخل عليهم كان حاملا حذائه تحت إبطه:

نظر إليه علماء الشيعة

فقالوا: لماذا تدخل على الشاه وانت حاملا حذائك؟؟؟

قال لهم: لقد سمعت أن الشيعة في عصر الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

كانوا يسرقون الأحذية !!

فقالوا : لم يكن هناك في عصر الرسول شيعة!!!

فقال: اذن انتهت المناظرة من أين أتيتم بدينكم ؟!!!

العالم المسلم هو الشيخ أحمد ديدات رحمه الله تعالى

. لا تجعلها تتوقف عنك اضغط share وانشر الوعى بين كل المسلمين

Somebody please post the translation.I can understand arabic but my google is not working.


Junior Member
The Shah of Iran summoned the scholars of Sunni and Shia.

About them and even seen the face of difference, including

Shiite clerics who came all

The Sunni scholars did not come only one of them after they came from behind!!

When he entered them was carrying his shoes under his arm:

Seen Shiite clerics

They said: Why is the intervention of the Shah and you are carrying your shoes???

He said to them: I have heard that the Shiites in the era of the Prophet peace be upon him

They were stealing the shoes!!

They said there was no Shia in the era of the Prophet.

He said: So the debate is over,from where did you come with your religion?!!!

The Scholar was Sheikh Ahmed Deedat.May Allah have mercy on him.

. Do not make them stop you press the share and post awareness among all Muslims.

This is a google translation of the original post.

Itqan Ullah

Time is Running!!
The Shah of Iran summoned the scholars of Sunni and Shia.

About them and even seen the face of difference, including

Shiite clerics who came all

The Sunni scholars did not come only one of them after they came from behind!!

When he entered them was carrying his shoes under his arm:

Seen Shiite clerics

They said: Why is the intervention of the Shah and you are carrying your shoes???

He said to them: I have heard that the Shiites in the era of the Prophet peace be upon him

They were stealing the shoes!!

They said there was no Shia in the era of the Prophet.

He said: So the debate is over,from where did you come with your religion?!!!

The Scholar was Sheikh Ahmed Deedat.May Allah have mercy on him.

. Do not make them stop you press the share and post awareness among all Muslims.

This is a google translation of the original post.

amazing story :D :mashallah: