If they ask: "How to make a Bomb"? Tell 'em!


Used to be active here!
wa alaykkum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

Jazak Allahu khyir for sharing the video, sister.


Junior Member
Wa-alaykum as-salam sister, a good video of the Sheikh, I always enjoy his lectures. Great post.

sabina isa

Junior Member
Asalamoalaikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,


As salam alaikum sister,

Sweet video, is exactly what I would have wanted to say in my recent posts. Reject the fear, turn the problem to opportunity, be proactive. Truth is with us. We are responsible of delivering it and protect it. I loved the video Jazak Allahu khairan.

We alaikum salam