Beneficial Topics Regarding Fiqh Tawheed Aqeedah‏


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullaah wabarakatuh brothers and sister!
I hope this reaches you in the best of health/imaan! ameen

I was thinking of sharing THIS book for along while! subhanaAllaah and finally today is the day! :) Yaaaaaay...exciting! alhamdulillaah.

It's really a beneficial book for BOTH new Muslims and born Muslims. Alhamdulillaah, it's such a blessing that scholars like Shaikh Yahyah Al-hajooree work so hard to correct our beliefs! I ask Allaah to have Rahma on him and bless him, his family and his beloved ! ameen

without further ado, I present to you Al-mabaadee al-mufeedah fit tawheed wal fiqhi wal-aqeedah (Basic principles on the subjects of tawheed, fiq and aqeedah)

look at the attached file please :)


  • Mabaadee_al_Mufeedah[1].pdf
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