Quran = Surah Yasin


Junior Member

i am confused , when i read about the Surah Yasin.

In Hadith says (from Fisabillillah book)

'Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin and whoever recites Surah Yasin, Allah records for him because of its recitation the reward of reciting the Quran ten times' (At Tirmidhi)

other book from The Koran, Holy book says:

'Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin and whoever recites Surah Yasin, Allah records for him because of its recitation the reward of reciting the Quran ten times in RAMADHAN' (At Tirmidhi)

Which one is right???



Staff member
Wa alaykum Salam,

You say it is in Tirmizi, Please Give Reference numbers, page numbers so that we can go look for it.

Where did you find it?

What effort have you made to look for it?


Slave of Allah (SWT)
Surah Yaseen

:salam2: Brother,

I have a book called Surah Yaseen by Allama Abdullah Yousuf Ali.

It states in this book that one of the attributes of reciting Surah Yaseen are:

"Surah Yaseen is aptly known as the soul of the Holy Qur'an. A person reciting Surah Yaseen will be rewarded the benefit of reading Qur'an Karim ten times (Trimzi Sharif)."

I hope this helps.



Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom

I hope some one can translate this..

But what it says here that most of the ahadith about Surah Yasin are weak and not authentic as said by shiekh Mohammed Nasser Eddin al-Albaani Allah grant him Jannah.

الأحاديث الضعيفة التي وردت في فضائل بعض السور

نشـــــــــــرا للسنة وقمعا للبدعــــــــــــــــة

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال :
( من سن في الإسلام سنة حسنة فله أجرها، وأجر من عمل بها من بعده، من غير أن ينقص من أجورهم شيء، ومن سن في الإسلام سنة سيئة فعليه وزرها، ووزر من عمل بها من بعده، من غير أن ينقص من أوزارهم شيء )
[ رواه مسلم وصححه الألباني في صحيح الجامع ] ..

انتشر في الآونة الأخيرة كتب ونشرات تحتوي على أحاديث ضعيفة وموضوعة لفضائل بعض سور القرآن الكريم .. لذا كان من الواجب تنبيه المسلمين على ما في هذه ا لمطبوعات من أباطيل .. وإرشادهم لبعض الأحاديث الصحيحة التي حققها شيخنا العلامة /

محمد ناصر الدين الألباني

وذلك نشرا للسنة وقمعا للبدعة

ســـــــــــورة يس
جميع الروايات الواردة بفضل سورة ( يس ) ضعيفة أو موضوعة كما حققها شيخنا الألباني ( رحمه الله تعالى ) في كتبه ..

- ( إن الله تبارك وتعالى قرأ ( طه ) و ( يّس ) قبل أن يخلق آدم بألفي عام ، فلما سمعت الملائكة القرآن قالوا : طوبى لأمة ينزل هذا عليهم ، وطوبى لألسن تتكلم بهذا ، وطوبى لأجوف تحمل هذا ) [ سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة / 1248 ] ..
- ( من دخل المقابر فقرأ سورة ( يّس ) خفف عنهم يومئذ ، وكان له بعدد من فيها حسنات ) [ (( موضوع )) / سلسلة الأحاديث الضعيفة / 1246 ] ..

- ( إن لكل شيء قلبا ، وقلب القرآن (يس ، ومن قرأ (يس ؛ كتب الله له بقراءتها قراءة القرآن عشر مرات ) [ (( موضوع )) / ضعيف الترغيب و الترهيب / 885 ] ..

- ( من قرأ ( يس ) ابتغاء وجه الله ، غفر الله له ما تقدم من ذنبه ، فاقرؤوها عند موتاكم ) (( ضعيف )) [ ضعيف الجامع الصغير/ 5785 ] .

- ( من قرأ {يس} في صدر النهار؛ قضيت حوائجه ) [ (( ضعيف )) / ضعيف مشكاة المصابيح / 2118 ]​

Reference : http://saaid.net/bahoth/29.htm


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom

The Ahadith (Hadith) about Surrah Yasin are weak, as said by shiekh al albaani.

the hadith you mentioned In which says

(from Fisabillillah book)
'Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin and whoever recites Surah Yasin, Allah records for him because of its recitation the reward of reciting the Quran ten times' (At Tirmidhi)

Is a weak hadith as reported by shiekh Al Albaani

wa salaam alikom


Junior Member
Surat YASEEN is one surah from the quran.So its doesn't matter the benefit or the weak hadith regarding reciting surat YASEEN.Just recite it and dont forget the other surat in the quran.Read them all,recite quran every single day.READ the whole quran including YASEEN.Every single ayah that u recite in the quran will give benefit to you now,after death and in the hereafter.So read the Quran the last testament.


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
Surat YASEEN is one surah from the quran.So its doesn't matter the benefit or the weak hadith regarding reciting surat YASEEN.Just recite it and dont forget the other surat in the quran.Read them all,recite quran every single day.READ the whole quran including YASEEN.Every single ayah that u recite in the quran will give benefit to you now,after death and in the hereafter.So read the Quran the last testament.

Walikom Salaam brother faiz,

Its very important if the hadith is weak or not, specially if its concerning the Quran, because people start circluating Ahadith without even knowing if the hadith is correct or not, its the Sunnah of the prophet peace be up on him that why its important.

Ofcourse reading Quran is important but the prophet peace be up on him told us about the benifit of some Suar from Quran like surat Al'Mulak, Surat El`fatihah

عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما قال :
( بينما جبريل قاعد عند النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم سمع نقيضا من فوقه فرفع رأسه فقال : هذا باب من السماء فتح اليوم ، لم يفتح قط إلا اليوم ، فنزل منه ملك فقال : هذا ملك نزل إلى الأرض ، لم ينزل قط إلا اليوم ، فسلم وقال : أبشر بنورين أوتيتهما ، لم يؤتهما نبي قبلك ؛ فاتحة الكتاب ، وخواتيم سورة {البقرة} ، لن تقرأ بحرف منهما إلا أعطيته ) ..
[ رواه مسلم وصححه الألباني في صحيح الترغيب و الترهيب / 1456​

I dont have the exact translation of the Hadith but here is the meaning

Ibn Abass may Allah please with them said while Jibril was sitting with the prophet peace be up on him he heard a noise from sky he lift his head up and Jibril said : this section of sky (door) opened today it has never been opened except today, and an angel ( Malak) decended from there and this angel decended to the earth and he had never decended before. The angel said Salaam and said: Be pleased you have given two lights (norieen) not a prophet before you got them, these 2 lights or noors are surrah Fatihah and the end of surah AlBaqarah (cow 285-286) when ever you read each word from these 2 surah you will be given them.

this my translation ( if some one have the exact translation of hadith please post it)

that why its important to know if the hadith is weak or not..

Wa salaam alikom


Junior Member
Assalamualikum!Yes i do agree with u.What i mean is it is ok to recite surat YASEEN al togather with the other surat.I know the importance of other surat like As-Sajdah,Al-Mulk The prophet Muhammad will not sleep before reciting it and others.So my suggestion is read the whole Quran and not the surat YASEEN only.Agree with me bro?

nasser jilanee

New Member
sura yasin

If there are several hadiths regarding the significance of a sura, is it okay for a modern day scholar to say that the hadiths regarding the surah are not true? A weak hadith due to some minor problems of the narrator is not similar to a fabricated hadith especially when it is supported by several hadiths. There is a partisan tendency among us modern day muslims. We tend to put over emphasis on modern day iconoclastic scholars. In doing so, we disregard the hadith scholars of early ages. If the hadiths regarding the significance of sura Yasin save some weaknesses in their chain of narrations, does this mean these hadiths are totally unauthentic? Can a twentieth century scholar emphatically claim that Sura Yasin has no special significance? One may at best say that there is no hadith Sahih Muslim or Bukhary in this regard.But to confidently negate the hadiths regarding Sura Yasin is a dangerous and risky thing to do.