presidential election'08 or CIA color revolution


Info Warrior
In the century of mass manipulations, big lies, and frauds like that of the late 20th century. It shouldn’t seem too ironic that the financiers of the Trilateral Commission have chosen a name like Project Democracy for their effort to install a fascist new order around the world. As government after government is overthrown one can hardly expect the financiers to halt their operations at the shores of America as they are all first and second generation followers of the Soviet Russian universal fascist, Nikolai Bukharin. Project Democracy is a privatization of cold war functions of the CIA under Ronald Reagan’s executive order 12333. Since the 1980’s Project Democracy has been renamed the National Endowment for Democracy in order to shed baggage it had collected from the Iran-Contra affair.
The thesis of this column is that Barack H. Obama is the front man for a CIA color revolution here in the United States. Behind him are the interests of the Ford Foundation, The New York Council on Foreign Relations, The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, The Builderberg Group, The Soros Foundation, The Albert Einstein Institute, Chicago School of Economics, The Skull and Bones Society, and The Trilateral Commission. His guru and controller is Zbigniew Brzezinski, the revanchist and Russia hater. All indications are that Brzezinski recruited Obama from Columbia University while Brzezinski was head of The Institute for Communist Affairs. Obama’s thesis was Soviet Nuclear Disarmament, which was of personal interest to Zbig and indicates my thesis. Obama’s lemming legions harken back to the fascist movements of Mussolini and Hitler circa 1919-1922 in Italy and the 1930’s Germany.
What is Fascism?
Few people understand fascism. Webster Tarpley is absolutely right in his article on Project Democracy from the late eighties when he writes “Despite the fact that Stalin deliberately helped bring Hitler and the Nazi’s to Power, despite the Nazi-Communist alliance of 1939-41 under the Hitler-Stalin Pact, despite Mussolini’s close ties to Moscow, despite the deep affinity Nazi-fascists and communists demonstrated repeatedly in many countries by mass exchanges of membership between political organizations of the two persuasions, the average American still sees communism and Nazism-fascism as polar opposites. The expression “fascist” exists only as a strongly derogatory but very vague epithet, empty of any precise political content.” That is absolutely right in my estimation.Recently a certain Naomi Wolfe wrote a book about fascism taking shape here in the USA, but in my estimation her book is more of a description of a totalitarian society as opposed to a fascist society. The question becomes what is the difference? What Mrs. Wolfe fails to recognize are the key components that make it different from the standard top down beaureacratic totalitarian government. Come on why come up with a new name for your system of government if it is essentially the same. Here is what defines fascism. 1) The mass movement, it can be described as a bottom up movement; containing anti-establishment, radical left cover and run by bankers, usually composed of youth, students play a vital role, disgruntled war veterans, labor unions, civil servants, teachers, and blue collar workers. 2) It is synthetic in nature because fascism would not exist with out the explicit aid of rich elitist/ industrialist/ bankers funding the movement from the word go. 3) A suitable demagogue is needed. 4) Much of the rhetoric includes restoring a country to its rightful standing in the world. 5) Lawlessness endorsed by the state against political enemies carried out by private or paramilitary organizations ala the Brown Shirts in Nazi Germany and Black Shirts carried out in fascist Italy. 6) The imposition of fascist economics on society, which can only be summed up as crushing austerity on the poor and the middle class. As Tarpley sums it up reguarding fascist economics best, ”Fascist economics rejects the broad national community interest of Alexander Hamilton’s American system of dirigist political economy. Fascist economics assert the only way to overcome the tensions between labor and capital was through the artificial creation of medieval guild organizations, based on the pretense that capitalists were masters, and workers were journeymen and apprentices, all functioning together in “organic” unity.” Finally what purpose does fascism serve? It serves to completely and totally mobilize society for economic sacrifice, for fanaticism, and finally for war. 7) The final aspect of fascism is the concentration camp and the looting base. If you read William L. Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich, one of the themes is that as the Nazi empire expanded there is the question of economic looting. Think of corporate scandals on Wall Street. On the topic of looting we have extensive looting, which is when the empire is at its peak and there is intensive looting this is the one you have to watch out for. Intensive looting occurrs when the empire starts shrinking and is the phase of economic looting in which we see the concentration camp come into its own and transition into a slave economy. Basically it is the idea of being technologically backwards.
From Pessimism to Proto-Fascism

Arthur Schopenhauer long considered the grandfather of indirect apologetics. He argues all action is futile so don’t get wrapped up in causes. This is kind of like don’t worry about politics just vote your candidate. This was in the wake of September 11 when George W. Bush just told everyone to go shopping. Then comes along this guy, Fredrich Nietzsche, who is a complete radical and advocates taking up right wing causes but from the perspective of political mobilization. Remember this is one of the key aspects of fascism. Nietzsche also attacks Schopenhauer from right wing in the same way we see Obama has attacked Bush from the right on his response to 9/11 saying he failed to mobilize the American public behind a cause. Obama has also called for the bombing of Pakistan, so in this sense we see Obama running to the right of Bush and McCain who we can classify as right wing, war profiteering, reactionaries. But Barky Obama chalks in as a fascist simply because of way he embraces right wing causes mostly for war, but also his opposition to technological and human progress, as we will later see.
Michelle Obama Fascist Ideologue
Michelle Obama has on several occasions blurted out the program in speeches where she says, “our souls are broken” and “And right now we need some inspiration. Inspiration and hope are not words. Everything begins and ends with hope. And the only person in this race who has a chance of getting us where we need to be is Barack Obama.” She goes on. “We need a leader who’s going to touch our souls because you see, our souls are broken.” Mrs. Obama elaborates some more. “The change Barack is talking about is hard, so don’t get too excited because Barack is going to demand that you too be different” and finally she finishes astonishingly “We need a different leadership because our souls are broken. We need to be inspired…to make sacrifices that are needed to push us to a different place.” From her statements we see a couple of things that Obama’s is filled with the cult of personality and the rhetoric of hope just like Jimmy Carter’s presidential campaign. She also calls for us to make more sacrifices. Since the Johnson administration the American standard of living has been cut by 2/3 and now George Soros, one Obama’s biggest financial backers, has gone on record saying the American standard of living needs to decline by another ½. That is absurd I say it is time for Wall Street to take one for the team. According to Webster Tarpley,”If you want to learn more about sacrifices, we need only read the policy papers of the Warren Rudman’s Concord Coalition, Felix Rohatyn’s infrastructure program, and the calls for the drastic curtailment of entitlements coming from the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, the American Enterprise Institute, the Lehrman Institute, and the Manhattan Institute.” (Tarpley 36) Any further calls cuts in the standard of living has a genocidal overtone and thus fascist overtone in the discussion. Put simply Mrs. Obama believes the middle class and poor should be sacrificed for the benefit of the rich.
Obama’s Guru

Now if Karl Rove was considered George W. Bush’s brain then Obama’s brain is none other than the cold war hawk Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski was out on the campaign trail introducing Barack. He has officially come out on television and endorsed Barack and even though officially now Zbigniew has separated himself from the campaign, don’t fool yourself he is still calling the shots through his minions, in particular his son Mark Brzezinski and his pupil Susan Rice. Zbigniew Brzezinski should be understood as a Dr. Strangelove persona. He is a low level petty Polish aristocrat and he inhabits the revanchist’s circles of Central European émigrés. His whole life has been dominated by the Hitler-Stalin pact and his hatred for Russia consumes him. Hatred for Russia consumes him so much so that he regards every country including the United States as pawns in his game against Russia.
Now let’s talk about some of his accomplishments. Brzezinski chose Jimmy Carter as the Trilateral Commission’s candidate for president in 1976. We learn this from the Zbig’s memoirs Power and Principal: Memoirs of the National Security Adviser 1977-1981. Zbig writes,” I first met Jimmy Carter at one of the early meetings of the Trilateral Commission, which I directed in the early 1970’s. I remember discussing his membership with my two principal Trilateral Commission colleagues, Gerard Smith and George Franklin. We wanted a forward-looking Democratic Governor who would be congenial to the Trilateral perspective. Reuben Askew of Florida was mentioned as a logical candidate, but then one of them noted that Jimmy Carter, the newly elected Governor of Georgia, courageous on civil rights and reportedly a bright and upcoming Democrat, was interested in developing trade relations between his State of Georgia and the Common Market and Japan. I then said, “Well he’s obviously our man,” and George Franklin went down to Atlanta to explore his background further and came back enthusiastic. Jimmy Carter was invited to join and he accepted.” For those who don’t know about the origins of the Trilateral Commission and can’t read between the lines in the quote from Brzezinski’s book let me fill you in. The Trilateral Commission was co-founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski and a cabal of international bankers from Europe, North America, and Japan. Brzezinski is essentially telling us that Carter was recruited and with the explicit purpose of getting him into the White House via Trilateral connections and money. Today this is much the same way we can view Obama today with all the money he has coming in from J.P. Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, George Soros (the notorious hedge fund operator), and of course his connections to the Brzezinski clan. Senator Obama is an agent of finance capital and if he gets to the office of president he will be a Trilateral puppet in much the way that Jimmy Carter was.
Carter stated that he would rather commit suicide than hurt Israel, but in actuality Brzezinski was running foreign policy and Carter just going to have to deal with the reality that Israel could end up as a pawn used against the Soviets. Carter also talked about a total withdrawal of US troops from South Korea and with unstable Kim Il Sung still in command, things might have easily detonated into a Far East Regional Conflict in which China and Japan might have become embroiled. This idea of getting rid of rival regional powers by playing them against each other is a hallmark of Brzezinski’s foreign policy that he got by studying British geopolitics and Lord Halford MacKinder.
By August 1978 there were signs of revolution in Iran this was however a CIA color revolution orchestrated by British Intelligence, the BBC, and the CIA. There were many reasons for toppling the Shah none of which included human rights abuses. One of the main reasons for overthrowing the Shah was because he made deals with Italy, other European countries, and the Soviets in an effort to accelerate the scientific, technological, and industrial development of his country. The Trilateral program is to block all third world development, so the Shah had to go. The other main reason was Islamic fundamentalism was destined to become the single greatest bulwark against Soviet communism and according to Brzezinski only Khomeini was to be accepted. Ultimately NATO commander Al Haig sent his deputy General Huyser to Tehran with the mission of leading destabilization operations against the moderate Bakhtiar government, blocking the possibility of a military coup or any other non-theocratic solution. Iran was destined to become the focal point for Brzezinski’s arc of crisis thesis. With the installation of Khomeini came the fake oil crisis perpetrated by the Anglo-American oil cartel.
Zbig plays China against Russia. The Chinese had been planning a military move into Vietnam (a known ally of Moscow). The Chinese figured they would seek approval from their new American friends and luckily or unluckily for them Zbig approved. Zbig was also backing a Chinese ally Cambodia who were at war with Vietnam. It should be noted that at this time the US was backing Pol Pot a dictator guilty of genocide. Proportionately the Cambodian genocide makes the Holocaust and even the Red Terror pale in comparison.
In June and July of 1979 Brzezinski ordered US Special Forces and subversion teams to cross the border into Afghanistan and begin subversion operations in that country. The objective was to defeat neutral and pro-Soviet forces and favoring the rise of a pro NATO regime. This was observed in Moscow in 1979 and during Christmas the Soviets invaded in order to ensure a pro-Moscow regime. However with the Soviets moving into Afghanistan the trap had been set and the decade long genocidal Afghan war was underway.
The Shah of Iran was admitted into the US for medical treatment, but this was a ploy he had been living in Mexico and there was no reason he couldn’t receive top care there. However David Rockefeller demanded the Shah be allowed entry into the US. Since David Rockefeller is Zbig’s boss on the Trilateral Commission the orchestration of this event is quite clear and even Carter knew vaguely what was going on, reportedly he asked at a meeting, “when the Iranians take our people in Tehran hostage, what would you advise me then?” Because of this crisis the Carter administration seized more than six billion in Iranian assets inside the United States. The agency that carried this illegal move out was FEMA, which was headed by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Samuel Huntington. This financial move caused enough instability in the international financial markets to block a Franco-German European Monetary System as a global alternative to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank both of which are controlled by the Anglo-Americans. Then he goes on to threaten Europe by saying support our sanctions, our economic warfare against Iran or we will physical attack Iran. He actually says so to a newspaper called Frankfurter Rundschau: “It is now up to Europe to prevent World War 3.” From this we see two things. One is that he was in a great position to blackmail Western Europe and Japan on a whole series of dictates according to the Wall Street banking community and two he is the greatest lunatic adventurer this country has ever known.
Brzezinski authors the Carter Doctrine, which states “Let our position be absolutely clear. An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf Region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.” This is the current rationale by which we have Gulf war I and II and the other adventures in the Middle East.
When the Soviet Union was moving into Afghanistan, fundamentalist fanatics attacked the Grand Mosque in Mecca, holding hundreds of pilgrims as hostages. In Pakistan, a mob of 20,000 Muslim rioters attacked and destroyed the American embassy in Islamabad, killing two Americans. The rioters had been told that the US had orchestrated the attack on the grand Mosque in Mecca. Another attack was on the US embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, which resulted in the murder of the US ambassador. Given Brzezinski’s record of crisis and confrontation I would attribute these attacks on US embassy’s to him that is his style.
Zbig later initiated the Iran-Iraq war in order to weaken both countries and to consolidate power for Khomeini in Iran. The attack by a foreign enemy gave a second wind to the Khomeini regime. Zbig and Harold Brown authored PD-59, which was a radical step back ward from the doctrine of deterrence. PD-59 talked about the possibility of counterforce attacks against Soviet nuclear assets in addition to the long standing targeting of population centers as part of a so-called counter-value strategy. It was claimed that the US nuclear deterrent would remain credible even in the face of a Soviet military build up. Other observers noted that this policy could end up leading to an actual nuclear exchange. Zbig also started the Euromissles Crisis it had been at Brzezinski’s urging to deploy US Pershing II and cruise missiles into Western Europe in response to the Soviet SS 20 intermediate range ballistic missiles. Carter held very public discussions about building the neutron bomb, he then decided to build and deploy the mx multi-warhead ICBM. This was dictated by the lunatic Zbig and helped move the world towards general thermonuclear war. Combined with the events in Iran and Afghanistan, and the new US doctrine of counterforce combined tactical nuclear warfare had created a superpower crisis.
If you remember back to George W. Bushes’ campaign he ran under the mantra of compassionate conservatism and that he would get the best advisors available to him for the decision making, so it is to the advisors and handlers that we must look to in order to see Barack’s program.
First we have Mark Brzezinski he helped plan and carry out the CIA color revolution in Ukraine in 2004 and was apart of the bombing campaign in Serbia in 1999. Next we have Susan Rice whose main project seems to be the bombing of Sudan and of course her teacher is Zbig. We have this guy Dennis Ross whose goal is to play the Arabs against the Iranians to perpetuate Israeli occupation of Gaza and West Bank. Now lets talk about economics being that we are in the midst of systemic crisis and we have a banking panic. Obama’s top economic advisor is the Friedmanite Austan “the Ghoul” Goolsbee of the Chicago School of Economics. Goolsbee is a free trade fanatic and a monetarist. The Obama campaign’s first response to bad economic news was a long term tax-cut plan, which was claimed to be a recession fighting measure hmm. Sounds like more Herbert Hoover economics to me. Oh wait that’s right Barack gets more money from the Wall Street banking community than any other candidate. Free trade has done more to destroy labor and industry in this country than any other economic policies.
The Trilateral view for the future
In Samuel Huntington’s book American Politics, he writes, “An increasingly sophisticated economy and active involvement in world affairs seem likely to create stronger needs for hierarchy, beaucrarcy, centralization of power, expertise, big government specifically, and big organizations generally.”(Huntington 228) What he is calling for here is totalitarianism. He is much like his hero Carl Schmitt (Hitler’s lawyer) who was always trying to find an excuse to set-up dictatorship. Huntington argues that traditional American values such as liberty, equality, individualism, and republicanism may have to be “junked.” Huntington then, writes, “If the periodicity of the past prevails, a major sustained creedal passion period will occur in the second and third decades of twenty-first century.” He goes on “the oscillations among the responses could intensify in such a way as to threaten to destroy both ideals and institutions.”(Huntington 232). He is making a prediction about a reorganization of the political parties. If you look at American History every forty years there is a party realignment. There were party realignments in 1828, 1860, 1896, 1932, and 1968. The second part of his quote should be read as a way to destroy American government by inserting Trilateral candidates at the right juncture to abort the party realignment. Historically speaking, if we look at the Italian model before Mussolini leads the March on Rome and establishes his Corporate Fascist state, you have this guy Gabriele D’Annunzio who had weakened Italy’s political structures through the establishment of the first fascist state in Italy called “Free State of Fiume.” The lesson here is that there are agents who are used to weaken the political structures until a republic can be toppled. Next we have Mussolini who, states that “capitalism has three stages the dynamic, the static, and the declining.” In reality Mussolini danced to the tune of Venetian financiers like Volpi di Misurata, Cini, and others. Then we look at councils of the Trilateral Commission from the 1970’s there ultimate conclusion was that political parties needed to be manipulated to such a degree as to create one party. This would thus perfectly service oligarchical financier factions. What I am illustrating is that ultimately the financiers call the shots not even the dictators have the final say.
Color Revolutions then and now
In the twenties and thirties we had the shirt fascist revolutions. In Italy there was The Black shirt movement and in Germany there was The Brown shirt movement and there was The Silver Shirt movement in America. There have been new color revolutions sponsored by the US through the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) in Georgia and Ukraine, called the Roses and Orange revolutions. The attempted revolution in Lebanon was called The Cedars Revolution.
It is absolutely essentially to control the flow of information. Controlling the flow of information includes running newspapers, television stations, and various internet sites. The goal of controlling these media outlets is to foment a collective hysteria or mania in society in favor of the people power coup.
Rent-a-mobs or dupe-a-mobs is a term used to describe the swarming adolescents who flock to Obama rallies and the like to give it the appearance of a mass appeal.
III.Symbols or Slogans
In Georgia it was the rose; Ukraine had the orange revolution; In Serbia the slogan was “Gotov je”- “he is finished” meaning Milosevic had to go. Obama’s slogan is “Change We Can Believe In.”
IV.Fake Polling
This is essential in order to create mass chaos on the streets by way of our dupe-a-mobs and polling organizations.
V.A Suitable Demagogue
Enter Obama or someone who has no morals and has been thoroughly trained by Wall Street and a has commanding presence similar to that of Mussolini.

This article represents but small portion of a cache of documents and evidence in the public domain available on this creature from the world of high finance. I did not have time to write about Obama’s links to the Domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and Obama’s connection through Brzezinski to Russian terrorism. I am just trying to get this thing out before the election. I have spent much time reading and researching so I hope others find this article at least some what useful.

Brzezinski, Zbigniew Second Chance: Three Presidents and The Crisis of Superpower
Brezinski, Zbigniew Power and Principal: Memoirs of The National Security Adviser
Engdahl, William A Century Of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics And The New World Order (Pluto Press, 2004)
Huntington, Samuel American Politics: The Promise of Disharmony (1981)
Obama, Barack Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance
Obama, Barack The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming The American Dream
Payne, Stanley A History Of Fascism 1914-1945
Shirer, William L The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany (Simon and Schuster, 1960)
Tarpley, Webster Griffin Obama The Post Modern Coup: The Making of a Manchurian Candidate (Progressive Press 2008)
Tarpley, Webster Griffin Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography (Progressive Press 2008)


Junior Member
:salam2: Jazak Allahu Khair for sharing. I am going to have to copy and paste this into an email for myself as there is such a wealth of information and the brain cells of this 39 year OLD sister are not what they used to be, lol! Corporate America got the best of my youth, regrettably!! I became an American citizen shortly before moving back to Europe and had been so excited about the prospect of finally voting this year.... I initially got caught up in the pro-Obama hoopla but in the end I decided that I would not vote for anyone as none of them have anyone's best interest at heart apart from themselves and their cronies, as we Irish would say.

It is nice to have a thread from you, brother Taxhonesty. My husband and I really enjoy your insight and wisdom, :ma:

Keep informing us, please :)

Asalaam'alikum brother Taxhonesty,

The long and anticipated column I was looking forward to reading. It's very insightful. May Allah reward you.

It's funny how America associates voting with education, just because you don't vote doesn't mean your uneducated in fact you might be too educated & over-qualified to vote!

Obama is a Trilateral puppet of corporate America. I've opted out of the whole voting game. The more I read into it, the more I figure it's the biggest joke in history.

Free trade has done more to destroy labor and industry in this country than any other economic policies.

Absolutely. "Free Trade" has also led poor countries to be getting unfairly compensated for the goods they are producing. Now wealthy nation have monopolized all forms of trade. Poor countries are consumer societies, they don't produce anything. Then they talk about how they want "cheap labor" in fact humans are their cheap labor (i.e. slaves).