Is the sound of hell?


New Member
I dont know if you heard of this before but this is very mysterious...

The following article appeared in the well respected Finland newspaper, Ammenusastia

"As a communist I don’t believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell," said Dr. Azzacove. "Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard. And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!"

Dr. Azzacove continued, ". . .the drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit."

"We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment."

"But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren’t those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans!"

To listen to the sound, this is the link -


Junior Member
Wouldn't that go against islamic teaching as people don't go to heaven or hell until the day of judgement?


No one knows what the unseen holds except for Allah. We cannot go against this. The descriptions of Paradise and Hell are so clearly stated in the Quran and authentic Hadith. These are the only sources of information on this matter.:SMILY252::SMILY252:


قل هو الله أحد
Salam brother

Three comments:

1. proof ? v.v.v.v.v.v. very important.
2. it looks like a silly scrambled conversation to me ... something similar to my old car radio (now THAT was hell).
3. would you please attach the file to your post in future so that you save us the pain of waiting for it to be downloaded ? ... many thanks in advance.

Well done Diane for your critical remarks. Please note that we do believe in the torment of the grave as well (although we -living humans- do not see or hear it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
probably a hoax, I've seen this floating around (emails etc) and it doesn't seem presentable of even buyable.

abou haytam

Junior Member
salam brother and sisters

I post this in arabic section, it s a lecture of sjyakh abdelmajid azendani. he is from yaman he is a scientist. He organized many meeting with scientisf all over the world to show sceintific miracl in the qoran.

I was seaching for the english version of his lecture about the '' sounds of hell''.

here are the link and i hope some brothers or sisters speaking english better than me can traslate it.

In his lecture khaykh Zendani come to conclud that this is not against islamic information: Soul of disbeleivers don t go to heaven, it goes to bottem of earth and they are punished there.

I which someone can translate it...very interesting.
Well it wasn´t sound of hell, but they mean its punishment of grave.

But its a fake. I have also heard it in a christian web where they also used it.

ähmm its nothing but modern sound effect.

warda A



everyone is sceptical nowadays, we do not say Allahu aalam, we say it is a hoax,it is sound effect or photoshop. we will never know the truth, we see picture of th miracles of allah and immediately we say photoshop.
we should only say Allah knows best, who know it could be the truth.


Junior Member
I heard that before as well. It can't be hell as the day of judgement hasn't occured yet but it could be the punishment of the grave. Either that or it's a fake. Who knows? Only the Prophets could hear if people were being punished in the grave though.

abou haytam

Junior Member
salam o alikom

For those who have Tafsseer of qoran you can check the meening of this aya:

''Nay! Truly, the Record (writing of the deeds) of the Fujjâr (disbelievers, polytheists sinners, evil-doers and wicked) is (preserved) in Sijjîn. (7)''

Sijjîn: is mentioned is some Tafsseer to be the bottom of the seventh land, where soul of non beleivers are dropted. ( please confime this by ready the meaning of the aya 7:83 in tafseer ibn katheer or others.

I quot here in arabic :

ته. وعن ابن عباس قال: إن الكافر يحضره الموت، وتحضره رسل الله، فلا يستطيعون لبغض الله له وبغضهم إياه، أن يؤخروه ولا يعجلوه حتى تجيء ساعته، قإذا جاءت ساعته قبضوا نفسه، ورفعوه إلى ملائكة العذاب، فأروه ما شاء الله أن يروه من الشر، ثم هبطوا به إلى الأرض السابعة، وهي سجين، وهي آخر سلطان إبليس، فأثبتوا فيها كتابه. وعن كعب الأحبار في هذه الآية قال: إن روح الفاجر إذا قبضت يصعد بها إلى السماء، فتأبى السماء أن تقبلها، ثم يهبط بها إلى الأرض، فتأبى الأرض أن تقبلها، فتدخل في سبع أرضين ، حتى ينتهى بها إلى سجين، وهو خد إبليس، فيخرج لها من سجين من تحت خد إبليس رق، فيرقم فيوضع تحت خد إبليس. وقال الحسن: سجين في الأرض السابع

source :

Warning: I am not trying to prove that sounds in the audio type is hell, but as Shaykh Zendani said in his lecture about this audio type, it s not against our islamic teaching. He also bring the hadeeth where it s clear that minkind can not hear the punishment of people in the grave.

''It was narrated from Anas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When a person is placed in his grave and his companions leave him, and he can no longer hear the sound of their sandals (footsteps), two angels come to him and make him sit up, and they ask him, ‘What did you say about this man Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)?’ He says, ‘I bear witness that he is the slave of Allaah and His Messenger.’ It is said, ‘Look at your place in Hell which Allaah has replaced for you with a place in Paradise.’” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “And he sees them both. But as for the kaafir or hypocrite, he says, ‘I do not know, I used to say what the people said.’ It is said, ‘You did not know and you did not follow those who knew.’ Then he is struck a blow with an iron hammer between his ears and he screams a scream which everything around him can hear apart from the two races (of mankind and the jinn).”

(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 1222)

source: Images of the torment in the graveالثقلين


New Member
Staff member
Salamu alaykum

there is a hadeeth mentioning the punishment in the grave that everything can hear except the inns (humans) and the jinn. We have the hadîth in Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim, related by Anas, that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
When the servant is put into his grave and all his fellows turn away to leave him, he will hear the sound of their footsteps. Two angels will approach him and ask him: “What do you say about this man Muhammad?”

He will say: “I bear witness that he is the servant of Allah and His Messenger.”

It will then be said to him: “Look upon your place in the Fire. Allah has supplanted it with a place in Paradise.” Then he shall see both places.

As for the unbeliever – or hypocrite –he will reply: “Oh, I do not know. I used to say what the people said.”

It will be said: “He did not know and he did not say.” He will then be struck with an iron bar upon the head and he will scream with a voice that could be heard by everything save for human beings and Jinn. So, therefore it is a hoax since humans said they heard it, and our prophet sv.s said that everything can hear it except humans and jinns.

And even if we could hear, so what. The people of Moosa a.s saw the ocean split, they asked Moosa to hear Allah talk to him, and they still disbelieved in the message. There were 124,000 prophets and messangers that ALlah sent, and people disbelieved.

Allah knows best


Muharram al bosni


I dont know if you heard of this before but this is very mysterious...

The following article appeared in the well respected Finland newspaper, Ammenusastia

"As a communist I don’t believe in heaven or the Bible but as a scientist I now believe in hell," said Dr. Azzacove. "Needless to say we were shocked to make such a discovery. But we know what we saw and we know what we heard. And we are absolutely convinced that we drilled through the gates of hell!"

Dr. Azzacove continued, ". . .the drill suddenly began to rotate wildly, indicating that we had reached a large empty pocket or cavern. Temperature sensors showed a dramatic increase in heat to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit."

"We lowered a microphone, designed to detect the sounds of plate movements down the shaft. But instead of plate movements we heard a human voice screaming in pain! At first we thought the sound was coming from our own equipment."

"But when we made adjustments our worst suspicions were confirmed. The screams weren’t those of a single human, they were the screams of millions of humans!"

To listen to the sound, this is the link -

allah knows best