i almost got drunk tonight. please read



i haven't really been on TTI as much as i usually am. why? i had been really depressed over certain things. earlier tonight things were almost at a head. i came close to doing something that i would never do. i planned on getting drunk, i had planned to drink my blues away. the waswasas were strong. but there was a part of me that wanted to go pray ishaa and taraweeh. it was an internal battle but i just started thinking about the haqq of islam. the fact that drinking or getting drunk wasn't going to solve my problems. what if i had died while being drunk? would i have been ready to meet Allah SWT in that state of being? i remembered that the path to jannah isn't easy. it's an uphill battle that requires our patience. Allah SWT promised us jannah if we obey, so i just needed to be patient. why think about the minute things of this dunya when i can have everything i ever wanted in the jannah? Allah SWT is the provider yet while i was depressed i forgot all about his provision.:astag:
i was so sad about being turned down for marriage, having no friends, having no friends at the masjid etc that i was actually missing my salah, missed a few days of fasting during ramadan. i felt like a fake to even visit TTI because of this. but someting told me to leave the beer alone and go for isha and taraweeh. so i did. alhamdulillah i'm glad that i did. there's a new masjid about 10 minutes from my home, and i decided to try this one out. while i was going to the parking lot, brothers approached my car giving the most sincere salaam ever and they befriended me. i can't believe that i made friends for the first time ever since i've been a muslim all these years. i wanted to cry. i couldn't believe it. so the taraweeh salah was very emotional for me. if i would've drank alcohol i would've never made friends and probably would've felt worse than before. but i thank Allah SWT for guiding me right and i'm glad for such a thing as taraweeh, because if it hadn't been going on, i'd be too drunk to even type all of this. jazakAllah for taking the time out to read this.



Junior Member
Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

I am your friend, so please do not forget me.

Insha Allah you will be rewarded for your patience.

Fi amanillah

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh


Junior Member

:salah: :tti_sister: Alhamdulillah Brother,, i am glad your nafs didnt get you for Allah swt and his angels were looking out for you too...ramadan karim and eid mubaraak,,,:salah: :tti_sister: May we all stay steadfast in our deen whenever the Almighty is testing us, Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen


Ahmed ibn Ibrahim

WaAlaikum Salaam, dear Brother Nyere,

Alhamdulilah that you are Muslim and know how to reason out a situation properly. Alhamdulilah that He kept you from going over the edge. Alhamdulilah that you're my brother, and I'm proud to be among such dignified and righteous people.

I have a good sense of how you feel, bro - I've been there too. I'm a white Canadian, and used to love my beer like many Cannucks do, as well as the marijuanna... but like you said, where will that lead us? How will it solve our problems? What benefit will it bring? The answer is obvious, Alhamdulilah. There have been times when I'm feeling down on myself too, when the whispers of Iblis start echoing like yelling in my heart, pounding and throbbing and urging me to fulfill whatever desire. I seek refuge in Allah SWT from him, and try not to entertain such thoughts for long. I go take a nap instead, or read the Qu'ran... or come to TTI, Alhamdulilah.

I know it's tough not having friends, but sometimes we have to be there to ensure that our hearts are pure and that only the righteous people are in our lives - especially reverts. I had to cut everyone out of my life, and I nearly cut Aminah out too if it wasn't for the mercy of Allah SWT. Even now I wouldn't say that I have any "friends", just good brothers that I'm working on cultivating a friendship with slowly.

Alhamdulilah that you had a good experience at the Masjid tonight. My advice to you would be to take it slow in making friends, don't be pushy or rush the process, but instead relax and let is flow naturally.

And remember, here at TTI we're pretty much all each others' virtual friends ;-) and most certainly all each others' Brothers and Sisters, and you are most welcome to seek support and brotherhood here. =) Know that you are not alone in your struggles, and that we are all striving to do well in this Test, to love and worship Allah SWT so that we may recieve a good reward once these bodies cease functioning.

May Allah SWT bless you and keep you strong, Brother. I'm proud of the decisions you made today, Alhamdulilah.

Asalaamu alaikum,
Br. Ahmed


Allah is merciful

I can't say that i know what you're feeling, cos i haven't been there, but i have been lonely.

I have many friends around me, but just few muslims. I constantly feel alone even when im around my "friends".
I would like to be with good muslim sisters and brother, but in my high school that is nearly impossible.

I guess that's because i like to be here in TTI .

i'm very happy that you found the peace and became better worshiper.
I know muslim brother's who's in the same condition that you were and i hope they will find it too.


Junior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum

I was almost crying when I read your post..I can so relate to the loneliness thing..that is the hardest test of being a muslim convert. I am so happy to hear you overcame your temptations and finally made friends. Insha Allah may you always have friends to remind you of Allah and your duty towards him. That is the greatest blessing of a muslim friend.

Wa Salaamu Alaikum


Junior Member
don't worry my brother
you are here with your family brothers and sisters
if you need anything we are here and supported you .
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

abdul ghaleeb

theres not much any one can do but pray for u ..
may you get through this fitnah(trial)

verily Allaah is the best for comfort and solace
we selaam


Turn To Islam
Salam brother,

Alhamdulilah brother that you didn’t give in to Shaitan for he is our open enemy of this Dunyah.

I just wanted to say that this sort of thing doesn’t only happen to reverts but can happen to any of us, Shaitan is here to stay and confuse us that’s why we have to hang on to the rope of Allah.

The Journey isn't going to be easy at all, in fact it's so easy to be tempted by certain things around us. All this material stuff is made to be appealing to the eye and is just temporary. We have to strive for Jannah this is our personal Jihad that we fight everyday.

May Allah keep you and all Muslims on the straight path Inshallah Ameen.

Your brother in Islam

Saifu deen


May Allah (swt) reward you for overcoming your nafs subhanallah. Brother, I went through similar problems but at that time I never overcame my nafs :astag:. Something within me kept on telling me that I cant repent, Allah (swt) won't accepted from me, and my only comfort is via alcohol, weed, and throught that good muslims cant associate with someone like me at that time. Because there is this stigma on people with such issues are to be avoided and in many cases I thought to Salam Alykom to someone like me was Haram, because I wasnt even regarded as someone who will ever repent. Subhanallah, nothing worse than being avoided by the good muslims, while you are in need to surround yourself with people who remind us of Allah (swt) and actually treat you nice and help you to change. At the same time, Finally, I faced a major test 'ibtela'a', where I realized that Allah (swt) is Haq and there is no escape of the calamaity that I faced except my turning to Allah (swt) and ask for forgiveness, and Alhamdullah this was a reason for me to renew my relationship with Allah (swt) with sincerity, which lasted for over 4 years alhamdullah.

Brother you are a good example mashallah, I know I was in your place but I couldnt overcome my problem for 2 years, but mashallah you controlled yourself may Allah (swt) reward. Keep it up inshallah my dear brother.

Baraka Allah Feek..


Saifu deen


I believe that as muslims we can find joy by helping other people. Sponsoring an orphan, reaching the troubled youths and giving them dawa will make anyone of us to forget our problems and in fact Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said '' tasadaqo tadawao '', Sadaqa is medicine to our soul my brother, where we will feel relief and joy, and Allah (swt) can protect us from wasawis al-shaitan inshallah.



Junior Member

Oh my dear bro u made me cry, but then I'm very glad to know that allah stops u for doing that haraam thing. Allah always with us and testing us how strong our taqa is, so alhamdulilaah u make new freinds and remember we are yr family and freinds so consider us. We are here fr u akhi.:SMILY259: :SMILY


Subhanallah - Fighting and conquering our nafs is a trial within itself. I'm sure you felt much happier the next day - I know this feeling. May Allah swt guide us and let us all overcome our trials.



Subhanallah - Fighting and conquering our nafs is a trial within itself. I'm sure you felt much happier the next day - I know this feeling. May Allah swt guide us and let us all overcome our trials.

The feeling of triumphant.....
Proud of you bro nyerekareem


a lonely traveller
I love you brother Nyerekareem for the sake of Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. We are always here for you anytime. I am glad that you conquered your nafs. May Allah save us from the fitnah of this world, from the fitnah of dajjal, from the evil whisperings of shaitan and from the Hell Fire.


Striving for Paradise
:salam2: My brother in Islam,

What you did last night was the biggest JIHAD any one can do. To fight against your nafs is the greatest JIHAD.
MashaAllah you were successful in defeating your nafs and Sahitaan. So now you are probably much closer to Jannah then you were ever before. :inshallah:

New Jersey has a good Muslim population. I am sure there will be a lot of good Muslims who would love to have you as a friend. You only have to find them. Intoduce yourself to the people in the Masjid and talk to the Imam, he may be of some help.

This world is a TEST for us. Allah has created this whole universe as a giant test center, each one of us has a unique test paper. That is the beauty/difficulty of this test is that no two people has the same test papers, so we really cannot copy or cheat.

Since you performed very well in your last question, hopefully you will pass the whole test with A+ grade.

Consider me your friend, my friend. And I think if you want you can ask for the phone numbers (using PMs) of those TTI guys who are in USA or Canada and talk to them on the phone, hopefully you will not feel much lonely.

Human being are social beings and we cannot live alone for very long. Text messages and posts cannot substitute verbal conversation and face to face meetings.

Hope this is of some help to you.


Islam is my life
Staff member

jazakAllah khayr to all of you for your kind responses.


salam aleikum
Life is full of surprises ,never put yourself down because of people or bad things that happen to u .Nobody deserve to cry for ,or to put yourself down for .
Allah is the one we live for and sacrifice everything for ,and not any human being ever....
I still remember your post about the terrible dream of Hell ,do u remember it ?:)
Its here
i dreamt that i actually saw hell. it was the worst thing that i ever seen. think about all the horrors that have taken place in the world: world war 1 and world war 2, the holocaust, slavery in the americas, the hiroshima bomb, 9/11. but multiply these things by a billion; and you’ll have the idea of how bad hell really is.

in the dream, i and a few others went down a chute into an empty and plain looking room. i then felt a rumbling underneath my feet. then the floor opened up from the middle and one of the walls also came down. there in front of me was a vast ocean, with a vast multitude of human beings and animal engulfed in the highest of flames. they were all doing the things that gave them pleasure in this life, but rather than enjoying these things they felt pain and suffering. there was no help for them. no one to offer them a drink. no one to provide words of comfort. and there was no one to pull them out of the flames. there were no clouds to provide rain over them. while watching them, the others that had came down the chute with me, were tossed into the flames and they soon began to suffer. was i to be next? i was terribly nervous, thinking that i too would meet the same fate. then all of a sudden i woke up.

i know that my description of hell may not be accurate. but i do know that it will be horrible. much more horrible than i described. this dream reminded me of how important it is to obey and worship Allah swt and to fear him. or end up like the people in that dream. insha’allah Paradise will be my final place of rest.

Allah has given us a choice ,one chance....one life
take care
And we all here are your family

waaleikum salam