People of the Cave

During an era, there was a king who claimed that he was the god. Everyone would have to treat him like a god. However, a group of young people (their number is not mentioned) kept steadfast to their belief that there is only ONE God. These youths were the children of ministers and other high class people of that community.

The king called them to the court and told them to worship him instead of the one God that they believe in. However, the youths denied. Then the king gave them 24 hours to change their minds otherwise he is going to torture them to death. Usually the king kills those who don't follow him right away but because those kids belong to high class families, he gave them 24 hours.

The youths went to their homes and decided that they will run away at night. They took whatever they could and ran away. A dog, by the will of Allah, also followed them. They came to a cave after travelling some distance and decided to take rest. The dog stayed in the mouth of the cave and stood on guard. Over there, the king found out that the youths have escaped. He searched but could not find them.

Then he decided that their names should be engraved on a gold or bronze plate and should be hung on the wall of the castle so if anyday they return, they could be punished. Allah on the other hand put them to sleep for around 309 to 313 years. If you sleep on one side for a long time, your skin would get too warm and could get damaged.

So, Allah used to send a wind which would turn them from one side to another from time to time. After the mentioned years, the youths woke up. One of them looked outside and seeing that things look different, he asked one of his friends about how long they have been sleeping. The friend was not sure if it's a day or less than a day and just said that Allah knows best.

Since they were feeling hungry, one of them was decided to go to the market undercover and buy some bread or some food. He went and saw that everything has changed. As if a miracle took place overnight. Infact everything changed over the 300 or so years. He went to the store man and told him to give some food. He took out the coins he brought from home and gave it to the man to pay for the food. The man didn't recognize these coins.

He thought that this boy found some treasures. At that time, the rule was that if anyone finds any treasure, then he has to report it to the king (this king is a different one). The boy denied that he found any treasure. But the store man caught his hand and took him to the king. What happened over the years is that people started disbelieving in the existence of the afterlife.

They thought that this worldly life is what there is, nothing else exists. Only the king used to be a believer in Allah. So, the king asked for his name. Seeing that this king is not so bad and that he is not the old king, the boy told his name. Then the king said that he recognizes this name from somewhere.

Then he remembered that there is a plate on the wall of the castle where the names of some people are engraved. And this boy's name is there. These are those people who escaped more than 300 years ago. Then the king called all the disbelieving people of the country and told them to listen to the story. Then the king told his people that look, if Allah can make these youths sleep for 300+ years and raise them up alive, can't He also raise you up alive after death? Everyone agreed and they believed.

“Do you think that the people of the Cave and the Inscription (the news or the names of the people of the Cave) were a wonder among Our Signs?” [al-Kahf 18:9]

Source: This story was heard from a scholar. Portions of the story are mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah Kahf, chapter 18.